Revival of a 1928 Underwood No.5

31 July 2018 Under the craftsman’s hand. My 1928 U No.5 waiting for the decals (where’s that mailman?). The Spaniards ceded the Philippines to the U.S. in Dec 1898 and the US began its colonial rule until 1946. This typewriter, in having a Peso key and an enye key, reflects the nature of that period.ContinueContinue reading “Revival of a 1928 Underwood No.5”

Getting Your First Machine

If you’re lucky, your first machine will be free. Inherited from your parents or grandparents, or maybe given to you by a friend. Not everyone will be so blessed. For the latter, I do not recommend you go to the nearest bookstore (National?) and see what they have for sale. In all likelihood the machinesContinueContinue reading “Getting Your First Machine”

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